I, the undersigned Bangladeshi apply for the membership of BWA Portsmouth and agree that I shall abide by the rules and regulation of its constitution.
The fee for membership is £10.00 for the term 2024 - 2026.
Terms And Conditions:
* The following are the terms and conditions of membership for the Bangladesh Welfare Association - Portsmouth and you should read them carefully as they set out your rights and obligations as a member of the Charity. The full details are outlined in the Constitution.
* Bangladesh Welfare Association is a registered charity: number no 1074997 in England and Wales.
* You are responsible for informing the Charity of changes to your personal details. If you are provided with individual passwords for access to our on-line services these must not be shared with anyone else.
* All members agree that postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and other personal details provided to the Charity may be used for administrative purposes and to fulfil your Charity membership. As part of your membership the Charity may also send you information about our work and our fundraising where we feel this would be of interest to you. We may contact you by post, telephone and/or email where you have provided these to us.
* Members can resign their membership of the Charity at any time. Members need to give the Charity written notice of their resignation which can be done by post or by email.
* There are also a number of circumstances in which the Charity can terminate membership or the membership terminates automatically. These are set out in our Constitution.
Bangladesh Welfare Association - Portsmouth
Unit 2, 75 Bradford Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO5 1AA
Copyright © 2023 Bangladesh Welfare Association - Portsmouth - All Rights Reserved.
registered with the charity commission for england and wales
registration number 1074997